Mindful Resilience Therapy Program

Mindful Resilience Therapy Program

Mindful Resilience Therapy provides a comprehensive and integrative approach to working with individual mental health symptoms and needs. The program is designed to meet the needs of diverse individuals, combining a structured and supportive group skills-based training with individual therapy and coaching.

Groups serve to provide core skills for mental health, including fundamental coping skills for distress and emotional health, restructuring of core beliefs and values, individualized behavioral health planning, and practices for working with emotional and psychological pain and trauma. Individual therapy and coaching sessions will enable clients to develop and integrate group training skills into individualized mental health and behavioral plans, and will focus on the application of skills to specific needs and goals.

Integrated Group Skills Training and Individual Therapy and Coaching Support

By combining a structured, group-oriented skills training with individualized therapy and coaching support, you will not only learn the tools to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors more effectively, you will also receive the social learning support necessary to navigate the challenges of integrating skills into your personal needs and interpersonal relationships. 

For a more detailed description of the Mindful Resilience Therapy curriculum and program offerings, please visit our website at:


You can also contact the Clinical Director of Mindful Resilience Therapy through the contact page of this website, or contact Matt Porter MFT directly at portermft@gmail.com or call him at (650) 924-8616. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your mental health recovery and transformation. 

Our Process

What You Will Learn


Mindfulness & DBT SKills

Mindfulness practices teach you to focus on present stimuli, in order to redirect your mind and emotions to more neutral and calming experiences. Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills offer practical tools to regulate your emotions, tolerate distress, practice Mindfulness in the moment, and communicate your needs and emotions in more effective ways. 


Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) skills provide the tools to address triggers of distress, evaluate your options for responding, and train the mind to more accurately assess situations, thoughts, and beliefs that cause distress. Dysfunctional Thought records provide the tools to break through your habitual thought and behavior patterns and learn more effective coping strategies. 


Trauma Healing Practices

Resourcing practices, integral in trauma healing, teach you to access internal resources that assist with handling painful memories and triggers of distress. By changing your response to trauma and painful triggers in the moment, you learn to accept the present moment and live more fully in the now. Healing occurs gradually over time, and EMDR therapy can assist with further trauma reprocessing and healing. 

More Resources


Contact Matt Porter, LMFT, Clinical and Program Director: portermft@gmail.com  (650) 924 8616

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